Wireless connectivity of billions of objects offers many benefits--and risks October 14 2015
Wireless connectivity of billions of objects offers many benefits--and risks.Via Alexander Crépin
In 2013, the Oxford English Dictionary added the phrase"Internet of things" to its hallowed pages, along with such neologisms as Bitcoin (a virtual currency), selfie (a self-portrait photo), twerk (a new dance move), and fauxhawk (a mohawk hairstyle achieved with gel and a comb).
"But what exactly is the Internet of things, and how might the emerging technology change our lives?
"The Internet of things is a concept that aims to extend the benefits of the regular Internet—constant connectivity, remote control ability, data sharing, and so on—to goods in the physical world. Foodstuffs, electronics, appliances, collectibles: All would be tied to local and global networks through embedded sensors that are "always on.""
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With estimates of 30 billion or more connected devices, there will be far too many devices and interactions will be far too complex to keep pace with traditional software techniques.
The only way to make sense of the flow of information is to visualize them as part of processes that exchange and process the information byproduct forming something we call BPM Everywhere.
The book discusess critical issues currently facing BPM adopters and practitioners, such as the key roles played by process mining uncovering engagement patterns and the need for process management platforms to coordinate interaction and control of smart devices.
Published by Future Strategies Inc. Lighthouse Point, FL.